Sunday, 31 May 2009

Go Ape Giveaway - Calling All Gorillas

I have always wanted to Go Ape. Something about dangling 40ft in the air, being a tad scared and challenging my inner ape appeals. Myself and Mary from Caution Woman at Work are donning gorilla suits going to be twittering from the treetops, taking photos and then telling you all about it when we return. I will also be writing a piece for a great new family travel blog.

I have 3 pairs of tickets (possibly more) up for grabs and I want to offer them to my lovely readers. All you need to do is leave a comment and my independent adjudicators (the 3 and 4 year old) will pull names out of a hat a week today.

Before you comment make sure you can attend the location on the time and date below.

The date - Sunday 12 July 2009
Time - 11.30am
Location - Dalby Forest, Near Pickering, North Yorkshire
Minimum age - 10yrs
Minimum height - 1.4m (4ft7")
Maximum weight - 20.5 stones (130kg)

Do me a favour and hit the button to the bottom right to retweet this competition!


Kim said...

My son just did this at a three day camp he went to with his class - same thing, different location, obviously since we live in the US.

If I were in the UK, I would enter to win, but I don't think I can swing the airfare or the time right now!

Anonymous said...

I am not going to enter as I can't make this date, and it's no good for someone up the duff BUT I have been before, and urge everyone else to enter. It's such good fun!

Sacks-n-Stories said...

Sounds a great day out and we love the drive through the Dalby forest

Sacks-n-Stories said...

We would love to do this and driving through the Dalby forest is one of our favourite things to do

DKC said...

Sounds totally cool! Alas, I would not make it across the deep ocean in time.

Mary T said...

Ooh ooh aahh aahh (impersonates monkey!)