The 4 year old got a pony for Christmas, a pretend one I might add, that requires batteries. The pony, named 'Lady' flutters her eyelashes, neighs when stroked, moves her neck and munches on a plastic carrot ... or your fingers, she's not fussy.
It was love at first sight on Christmas morning. She carried Lady everywhere with her.
Tonight for the first time since Christmas, Lady dined elsewhere. Over dinner, and may I add, 2 weeks after Christmas, the 4 year old turned to me and said "I cannot believe that Santa didn't bring me a Nintendo DS. What was he thinking?" Followed by a big sigh and her head in her hands.
Me? I'm passing the blame, I agreed with her. There's only so much eye fluttering one pony can do.
The big guy with the white beard has a lot to answer for.
Oh, my God. Our kids would just love each other. My daughter was once crying because her "babies" had all her pillows and she had nothing to lay her head on. I said, "Well, just take one of the pillows from them. And she said, "I can't. They need them."
I think you just solved a mystery for me. My five-yer-old kept saying she wanted a pony for Christmas, and it was "not a real one" but "big like a real one" and I had no idea what she was talking about.
My daughter is like that with dolls. She loves them for about an hour, then they all end up in a pile in the corner of her room and she cuddles up to her True Love, a grotty doll whose one eye doesn't shut properly and GIVES ME THE CREEPS!
Your post reminded me of an episode with my daughter some years ago.
When she was about 10, she began to pester me for riding lessons. Why? I asked her. Is it because your friends are having lessons? Or is it just a girl thing?
It was the last question that got her mad. Riding is NOT a girl thing!! LOTS of boys have riding lessons!!
So I agreed to check out the local riding schools with my daughter. I used speakerphone so that she could hear what was going on. On the first call, I asked the lady from that riding school if she had vacancies for a novice rider and how much did it cost. "How old is your DAUGHTER?" was the immediate reply...
I had a rather embarrassed daughter!
Corey - I am just constructing a post about the 3 year olds obsession with teddies in his bed!
Susanna - I am well versed in all things pony like. The one your daughter is referreing to is the size of a miniature pony and you can sit on it. It costs £400(!!) and 'loves you for real' according to the 4 year old.
Tara - We have similar dolls - all with defects. We have Marge, she has independent eyes and half her leg missing. She was always their favourite.
Robert - In the 4 years the 13 year old has been riding I have only ever seen one boy wearing jodphurs.
What a dangerous prescedent! You are but a few years form the 'mummy can I have a REAL pony?' discussions....
Some wee git in the 3rd world probably got the Nintendo DS. Santa is losing his edge.
What is it with kids and vacuum cleaners? A girl I know had to buy her son a miniature one for Christmas, he's three, and obsessed.
The horse is cool, I'd like one of those myself.
A scene from godfather - Ha! I literally loled.
My 7 year old was also disappointed that Santa didn't bring a DS. Silly Santa.
LOL, I love the horse in the bed. That is just wonderful, hee hee.
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