Wednesday, 8 April 2009

Welcome to my world ...

My Dad and stepmum had the kids on Tuesday whilst I was at work.

I sent my Dad a text asking how they were getting along.

I received the following text back ...

Fed ducks at canal, 2 dams built in stream, clothes drying. Drawing next. The OAP childminders must drink a LOT of Red Bull


Mum's the word said...

Lovely short but to the point post.
Gave me a chuckle.
Hope the 'dams' recovered as did the OAPs.

DKC said...

That is excellent!

Mum Gone Mad said...

Lol, aha see it's not easy is it? My parents don't even attempt the babysitting with my four, but then there are four :)

Anonymous said...

Strong stuff! I drink Irn Bru, keeps me going and tastes nicer!!

CJ xx

Maternal Tales said...

Hilarious. Now why haven't I thought of Red Bull before? What a good idea. I think I will add it to my next shopping list!

Hit 40 said...

Grandparents are great!!! KUDOS! that they are babysitting for you. Good deal. I love your barbie pic for your blog id.

Adlibby said...

Ha ha! That's awesome! I love it! Not Redbull here.. but unbelievable amounts of coffee!

Stephanie said...

Ha Ha. Must remember to send along some Red Bull the next time my Parents offer to take the kids for me!

DM09 said...

I knew I was missing something. Can you buy it by the litre?

Ladybird World Mother said...

Oh, that's lovely! And what a great idea. Will get some tomorrow.

Captain Dumbass said...

I get that.

Anonymous said...

forget the Red Bull, I want your Dad!