I’m glad Monday is over, it unfortunately involved dog poo on the carpet, trodden in on a pair of wellingtons.
This led to some fervent scrubbing of the carpet, an argument with the Dyson and a haze of antibacterial spray and hand wash.
To add insult to injury the 3 year old forgot that he was toilet trained and had three accidents, all whilst 'dogpoogate' was ongoing.
So at 6am. all bleary eyed from being woken by a child getting into my bed with cold feet, I bring you some fantastic entries from the Best British Mummy Bloggers and a Dad too ...
1. The Mothership at Motherhood the Final Frontier discovers her children’s creative flair extends to interior design
2. Mary over at Caution … Woman At Work gets a frustrating letter from Leeds City Council
3. Tawny’s 9 year old is on another planet at I Promise That I Will Do My Best
4. Potty Mummy has had a cake fuelled birthday at The Potty Diaries
5. Susanna has a 1911 obsession with a doo-doo-doo-doo, doo-doo-doo-doo moment at A Modern Mother
6. Almost Mrs Average at Don’t Tear Your Hair Out has a husband who not only vacuums but vacuums BEHIND the sofa, yes you read that right.
7. Tara’s daughter is showing her maternal side at Sticky Fingers
8. Read an online interview with a twist at One Strangely Lush Mother
9. Nixdminx grabs her ipod and heads to the treadmill for inspiration
10. Coding Mamma has a short fuse and needs a Peppa Pig fix
11. DJ Kirkby's very exciting book launch, some crying, a proposal and some more crying!
12. Liz at Violet Posy shows us what Downtown Dog gets up to in New York ... that lucky dawg!
13. A Confused Take That Fan reminds us that sprouts ARE unsociable!
14. Single Parent Dad wonders if he can stop Max being clumsy?
15. Noble Savage shows us that laughter really is the best medicine ... and bath time can be fun!
16. Then there’s me with a singing in public inspired entry. Shake those maracas …
The next carnival is on the 3rd of March and will be hosted at Most/Least. Please email entries to ella (at) mostleast (dot) com.
If you are interested in hosting a carnival pop over here for more information
As usual, a moving and eclectic group of posts from the trenches of motherhood. Thanks for putting it together!
Fantastic - lots of great stuff to read here, look forward to it, I love the singleparentdad blog, thank you for pulling all this together.
This is such a great idea. I am going to check out the links now.
I love this! Trouble is, it adds to the blogs I am following, soon blogspot wont have enough room to list them all!
Great list - like Tawny, I don't know how my blog-list's going to cope, but... it'll be fun trying.
Oh d'oh! I forgot the carnival! Oh well, less time writing means more time reading :)
Great site, honoured to be a member.
CJ xx
I never get into these things and I've been called a mother.
I did just comment on another blog about treading dog crap through yer hoose so Blogjinx!
Wow, a great carnival of reads there.
Honoured to be included among such really great company.
Thanks Laura - as ever I'm chasing my tail. looks like a great list. Will start having a wander around :-D
Hope I'm not too late to comment. It takes me a while to keep up with my blog reading!
Loved Tawny's 9 year old, Sass's interview and Mrs Average's husband. No really, I would love a husband that hoovers behind the sofa!
So sorry I missed this. What a brilliant bunch as usual.
Most/Least is having a difficult time right now ... so the next Carnival will be at Thames Valley Mums Blog. Please send entries to thamesvalleymums (at) gmail (dot) com
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